Fall Colors on the Mogollon Rim
On October 21, I toured the Mogollon Rim near Payson, Arizona to photograph the fall colors. I followed the Rim Road and other forest roads from Woods Canyon Lake to Highway 87 north of Strawberry. The weather was overcast and it rained intermittently.
Fall Colors 1: You can buy prints up to 10-2/3" by 16" or 5" x 7" greeting cards of this photograph.
Fall Colors 2: You can buy prints up to 10-2/3" by 16" or 5" x 7" greeting cards of this photograph.
Fall Colors 3: You can buy prints up to 10-2/3" by 16" or 5" x 7" greeting cards of this photograph.
The rain started to turn into snow as I shot these pictures.
Fall Colors 4: You can buy prints up to 10-2/3" by 16" or 5" x 7" greeting cards of this photograph.
I returned to the Coconino Forest above the Mogollon Rim on Thursday, November 4 to photograph more fall color.
As I continued exploring forest roads above the Mogollon Rim, I found an area where many of the trees had been broken off or knocked over by a tornado.
The Mogollon Rim marks the southern boundary of the Colorado Plateau. It rises neraly 2,000 feet above the region to the south.
You can buy a 2020 Calendar featuring my photographs of Fall Colors in the Coconino Forest above the Mogollon Rim in Arizona.
A dozen photos of Oak and Maple Trees changing color in the Fall.
You can buy a 2020 Calendar featuring my photographs of Fall Colors on the Mogollon Rim in Arizona.
A dozen photos of Maple and Aspen trees changing color in the fall on the Mogollon Rim in Arizona.
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